Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru
Y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac

Ymchwiliad i Hawliau plant yng Nghymru

CRW 21

Ymateb gan: Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan



National Assembly for Wales
Children, Young People and Education Committee

Inquiry into Children’s rights in Wales

CRW 21

Response from: Aneurin Bevan University  Health Board



In response to the short inquiry of The Children, Young People and Education Committee to review the impact of the Rights of Children and Young Persons (Wales) Measure 2011, please find below a response from Aneurin Bevan University Health Board.

The Health Board considered that it is really positive that Welsh Government has made the UNCRC law in Wales through the Rights of the Children and Young Persons (Wales) Measure 2011, which means that children’s rights have to be considered in all that you do.  It is evident that there has been good progress over the past few years.

The responses below are provided to the key questions asked as part of the consultation:

1.       The extent to which the Rights of Children and Young Persons (Wales) Measure 2011 has influenced the Welsh Government’s decision making, including its financial allocations and whether it has fulfilled the Convention’s ‘general measures’ of implementation;

The Health Board does not consider that it is in a positon to be able to comment on this question.


2.     Evidence of whether the Measure has led to improved outcomes for children and young people;


The following comments are made on this statement:



·         The indicators of the Programme for Government – children and young people and the Children and Young People Wellbeing Monitor (2015) measure demonstrate progress in policy areas and with the seven core aims.


·         The link between the Measure/awareness of children’s rights and the improved outcomes for children and young people would benefit from further definition and this will assist with further understanding. There are likely to be a range of positive examples of outcomes within health and social care services at a local level; that collectively could demonstrate and correlate impact.


  1. Whether the duties within the Measure have been embedded effectively across Welsh Government cabinet portfolios and policy;


The Health Board considers it is unable to comment on this statement.


  1. The extent to which the Welsh Government has sought to ensure that its duties within the Measure are translated into the work of the public bodies it provides funding to, including local authorities and NHS bodies;


The link in this area or translation of the work to public bodies is evident, but could be further strengthened. One example which would be a really positive step would be the requirement for completion of a CRIA for all new policy decisions to be extended to all public service organisations, as this would show a further commitment to the wider implementation and success of the Measure.


  1. The extent to which the Welsh Government has implemented its duty to promote knowledge and understanding of the UNCRC amongst the public, including children and young people


The investment in this area is beginning to make a difference as there seems to be a better understanding and increased awareness of children’s right, but this needs to continue and where possible increase. We are beginning to see a change of culture in relation to children’s rights and this has been influenced by the Children’s Commissioner for Wales, the Welsh Government investment in Children’s Rights training and resources, the refresh of the Participation standards, through Children’s Rights Champions across organisations and more recently by having a Youth Parliament.


The children’s rights information and resources available from Welsh Government are of a good standard, however it would be beneficial if this was better publicised and made easier for Health Boards to access. Additionally the Children’s Rights training that has been funded by Welsh Government has been well received and we would welcome the continuation of this, as it is beginning to make a difference, through a change of culture and practice.


  1. How the duty to have ‘due regard’ to the Convention on the Rights of the Child is being implemented in practice and whether Child Rights Impact Assessments are being used as a meaningful tool;


The Health Board has adopted the National Children and Young People’s Participation Standards Charter and self-assessment process to achieve a kite-mark.  There is active work within the organisation to support this work and better understand the impact of our planning and decisions on children’s rights.



  1. The effectiveness of the Children’s Right’s Scheme and the most recent Welsh Government compliance report, and the extent to which they evidence sufficient action on the part of Welsh Government to ensure full implementation of the Measure;


This is seen as a good report, which is demonstrating clear progress in this area. It is really helpful to see the progress made in this area through the compliance report; and good to see that it is structured in line with the five principles of a Children’s Rights Approach, which demonstrates consistency. It provides clarity on roles and responsibilities.


  1. How effectively the Welsh Government responds on a strategic basis to the Concluding Observations of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child


Welsh Government appears to respond appropriately addressing the key areas, demonstrating progress where appropriate. Some examples include, progressing the proposal for a youth parliament, Young Wales continues its engagement work, implementing the inclusion of 16 and 17 year olds to vote.